Beauty secrets from Ivana Sert

He said that even his hair has been the same for 30 years and he did not like change very much. Here are the secrets of 42-year-old Ivana Sert…

“Making lips changes the whole look. I am afraid of something new. Even my hair has been the same for 30 years. I stay away from change.”

“I learned to live with discipline at a young age. My father is a soldier. I do pilates for an hour or two every day without fail. Or I’m running. I go 10-14 kilometers.”

“I am careful about food. I do not eat sugar, flour, salt. It makes a big difference. Different herbal teas, water with lemon in the morning. I don’t have any difficulties because I’m used to it that way.”

“I eat waffles, hamburgers. I eat pizza, I love french fries. But when I eat this, I increase my sports. I eat well, but I lose weight with sports. My wife, on the other hand, regrets unbelievably when she eats it.”

“Everyone, why did I eat the moon, why did I eat it? she blames herself. It’s the complete opposite of me. I say to my body, my dear, you deserve it, eat it. My metabolism is fast, and I am genetically lucky.”