Break your taboos. Who said men don’t wear make up?

We are indeed moving to a point where the concept of beauty is gender-neutral today. The value placed on appearance and perfect beauty began to affect not only women but also men. .

mentionedour situation is herd after shaving len after shave It is much more effective than moisturizers or moisturizers that prevent the skin from drying out. ted. Stop and imagine. You wake up one morning and your boyfriend is getting ready to go to work and he asks you for your concealer to cover the dark circles under his eyes.

As in the fashion department, as well as in the field of cosmetics, the make-up series produced by the brands for men further inflamed this debate.

For the first time, Jean Paul Gaultier, who was open to innovations and vision, launched a make-up collection for men in 2003. However, the spirit of the era was not ready for this now and the life of this attempt was short-lived. It took 15 years for men to pay attention to their appearance at least as much as women and not find this strange.

In 2018, Chanel created the Chanel sub-brand at Length. She launched men’s cosmetics, which includes eyebrow pencil and foundation. With the release of make-up collections for men by Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs, the cosmetics department has signaled that it has begun to change its female-only stance.

Men’s makeup history

Even though we are approaching this new trend with a bit of strangeness today, when we look back, it is seen that wearing make-up is at least as much for men as for women. in You can remember the times when it was important. From 4000 BC to the 19th century, men classically applied makeup in many different ways. Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome They also used to put kohl on men’s eyes. Also the Queen e Elizabeth dIt was quite popular for men to paint their faces all white.

Men’s makeup today

Manage fashion trends n giving b In addition to big brands, many cosmetic companies have already started to produce special make-up works for men. Today, many men want to look well-groomed, beautiful and healthy. Just like the ladies, that’s why they started to resort to little make-up tricks. just now zyAlthough we are not talking about large percentages, especially men aged 30 and under are more restrained in this new trend.

HE ISNatural-looking concealer, compatible with skin colors, for example, revealing the tiredness of the dark circles under the eyes. They close with. If you want to look less tired and healthier, this concealer suitable for different skin colors You can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Also, men put SPF on their lips. protectionThey use lip balms in natural colors again, and even prefer foundations that are equal to their skin tones in order to make their skin look smoother and healthier.