If the hair dye turns out dark, methods of lightening the dye

Although you are experienced, if your hair color is not what you want after dyeing, if the color is much darker than you wanted due to reasons such as the choice of dye or the waiting time, there are ways to remove the dye from the hair and to lighten the color of your hair, even if it is a few tones. Here are the steps you need to follow to lighten the color of hair dye…

You decided to dye your hair at home, but the hair dye came out too dark. In this case, there are several processes that can be done without the dye penetrating the hair. Here are ways to remove dye from hair…


If your hair dye turned out darker than you expected, wash your hair as soon as possible. However, if the hair dye is dark, it is necessary to use clarifying shampoos, not dye-protecting shampoos. These powerful cleansing shampoos are usually transparent in color. Dandruff shampoos with tar content can also provide benefits.

When using a clarifying shampoo, be sure to apply the shampoo strictly from the bases to the ends. Although your hair is clean, make the washing process long. During the rinsing process, we have another tip.


The heat continues to remove the dye from your hair. For this reason, although it is not recommended to use very hot water in daily washes, as our aim is to remove a little of the dye from the hair, rinse your hair with hot water after shampooing. Warm water aids in peeling and lightening hair color.

After rinsing, you may need to wash your hair a few more times with a clarifying shampoo. Check the color of your hair after rinsing and wash a few more times if necessary. Continue rinsing with hot water each time.

Powerful clarifying shampoos may cause drying of the hair. For this reason, even if you do not normally use conditioner in the last step, cream your hair after rinsing for this process. Work your conditioner all over your hair and wait a few minutes. Then rinse again.

If you’re still not too happy with the color of your hair, wash your hair more often for a few days after the dyeing process. For less wear of the hair that is washed a lot in this cycle keep using conditioner . If you are happy with your hair color after the processes, start applying deep care to your hair once a week.

NOTE: Under normal circumstances, if you want to keep your heavy hair color after dyeing your hair, wait a few days before washing it. However, if our aim is to lighten the color of hair dye that comes out too dark, we wash it quickly.