Effective treatments for aesthetic problems around the eyes

Deformations around and under the eyes cause aesthetic concerns, as well as making the person look older than they are, and cause a tired face to appear at all hours of the day. Although cosmetic interventions, cures and creams around the eyes can cover the setbacks for a short time, they cannot be effective in removing the aesthetic losses that occur permanently. That’s why we, Ophthalmology Specialist Op. Dr. We received information from Hakan Yüzer about the causes and treatment procedures of common problems around the eyes.

Under-eye bruisesor bags under the eyes It is one of the most valuable aesthetic problems around the eyes, which makes the person look much older than they are, and gives an image of being tired and sleepless all the time. Apart from periodic issues such as nutrition and sleep issues, these problems are mostly related to genetic predisposition. However, any situation where the blood flow of the body is disturbed and the lymphatic system, where toxins are removed, does not work adequately can cause color changes around the eyes. Genetics is also the most valuable factor in eye bags, but allergies, insomnia, tension, water loss, aging, smoking and alcohol use, and edema due to nutrition can also cause eye bags.

Individuals, especially those that are based on genetic factors and that do not become beautiful by increasing the quality of daily life. eye area aesthetic In the treatment of their problems, they may want to turn to permanent treatments. Ophthalmology Specialist Op. Dr. According to the information provided by Hakan Yüzer, deformations under and around the eye can be removed without making any incisions around the eye and without using stitches. Ophthalmology Specialist Op. Dr. Hakan Yüzer explains the situation as follows:

“For example, Agnes treatment, which is applied with micro needles, is a treatment that can be applied quickly to all patients who are afraid of surgery. It is applied to eliminate bruising or condensation, bagging, ring formations around the eyes.”


What is bruise under the eyes, what are the causes?

Ophthalmology Specialist Op. Dr. Hakan Yüzer explains the under-eye bruises for us in the following form:

“Under-eye bruises are actually used as a common name for different images of around the eyes. It is the appearance of the eye area, especially from light brown to black, in a darker color than the usual cheek skin color. We call it “pigmentation around the eyes”. Apart from that, it is the middle of the red and purple color. There is also a different cluster, which is characterized by the appearance of veins under the skin.

Genetic factors are the main cause of dark circles under the eyes. Every situation where the blood flow of the body is disturbed and the lymphatic system, where toxins are removed, does not work well, causes color changes around the eyes. Even in the initial period of the deterioration of these systems, it may show itself as bruising around the eyes.

Smoking, tension, magnetism, heavy metals, insomnia, ultraviolet, alcohol, nutritional problems are the cause of bruises around the eyes.

Why do under-eye bags occur?

When we asked, “Well, why do under-eye bags occur?” Op. Dr. Hakan Yüzer details the issue in the following form:

“Bags under the eyes occur due to different reasons such as genetic structure, allergies, insomnia, tension, water loss, aging, smoking and alcohol use, and edema formations due to nutrition. Slight swelling under the eyes, dark circles, sagging or loose The skin structure is in the middle of the signs of bag formation.

Under-eye bags seen in different degrees are examined in 3 different types.

Type 1:A certain degree of fat accumulation under the eyes
Type 2:Noticeable and half-moon fat deposits
Type 3:The formation of bags in the form of a half-moon, quite evidently, which makes the eyes look visibly tired.

Ophthalmology Specialist Op. Dr. Hakan Yüzer also tells us about the Agnes RF treatment, which can be used against under-eye bags and dark circles without a medical incision:

What is Agnes RF under-eye bag treatment?

“Agnes under-eye bag treatment is a procedure that allows the treatment of bags and bruises that occur under the eyes due to different effects, using radiofrequency power.

The most prominent element in this treatment, which is used for the removal of under-eye bags without surgery, pain and incision, is that the application must be performed by a specialist physician. Because the area around the eyes has a very sensitive structure, it is necessary to carry out the applications to be made in this area with the utmost care.

How is Agnes RF under-eye bag treatment done?

“In the Agnes under-eye bag treatment system, the area around the eyes is anesthetized by using a cream with anesthetic effect, and the bag formations around the eyes are removed with the small needles in the head of the radiofrequency device. The application also includes very suitable rules in terms of patient comfort. Random skin warming, burning and pain during the process. It is not a matter of words. The treatment, which is applied in a controlled form, is done in as little as 40 minutes.”

Considerations after Agnes RF under-eye bag treatment

“It is normal for slight redness to occur in a very short time and after the session, in which the patient’s comfort is provided at the highest level. It is normal for the patient to avoid sauna and steam bath for about 1 week, and should moderate the use of face masks and cosmetic products with chemical content. It is possible to occur after treatment. It should be expected that the redness will resolve naturally without manual intervention.The effects of the agnes application, which allows the treatment of under-eye bags without surgery, show itself after a short time.The period of effect lasts in the middle of 3 to 5 years depending on the skin structure of the individual. It gets rid of the problem of bagging six.”