The latest trend in the beauty world: the Hollywood cheek!

Surgical systems that are developing rapidly in the world are being implemented with applications shaped according to the requirements.

The area of ​​pleasantness and aesthetics, which always offers innovations, draws attention to the rising trend of recent times, “Hollywood Cheek”.

cheek area; It is an adipose tissue that extends to the anterior ear region of the upper cheekbones, under the skin, and even under the mimic muscles. However, the cheek area, which is the cornerstone of youth and pleasantness, is one of the earliest areas of aging in the body. In addition, the excesses on the cheeks may not show the desired effect with diet and training. In such cases, the Bichat fat pad can be surgically removed from the mouth without leaving any traces. With the surgical process, the individual is given a triangular face description and a stylish promise.

in medicine bichectomyreferred to as cheek thinning In aesthetics, the process of removing fat from the cheek is applied as local anesthesia or sedation anesthesia. The process takes about 30 minutes and the patient is discharged from the hospital 3 hours on average. After the operation, 1 cm incisions on the inner side of both cheeks completely heal within a week. The full result shows itself in about 2 months and a face oval is formed. This way is a frequently used way and successful results are obtained.

Cheek thinning aesthetics It can be easily applied to both men and women. Famous actress Fahriye Evcen is one of the people who thinned her cheeks with this technique in Turkey.